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Rione Verde - Porta Montanara
Rione Verde - Porta Montanara

The headquarters of the Rione Verde is located in Via Cavour 37. The premises occupies belong to one of the oldest architectural nuclei of Faenza. Historical information show that in that place there was a Benedictine monastery dating from 700 AD which remained active until the Napoleonic suppression. The July 2009 sees the start of the renovation of the complex for the reconstruction of the ancient cloister wing missing, the raising of some plans, and implementation of a multi-purpose accommodation.

Like other citizens of Wards 4, Green manages its own stable located in the Civic Center districts, municipal property. Competitions and Bigorda Palio, the month of June, involving extensive work on different horses. Stables and horses are handled daily by neighborhood volunteers (Knights and Team Scuderia).

The headquarters of Via Cavour, in addition to the club bar is open every day of the year and self-managed, are all of the other neighborhood space and therefore the Historical Group (Wavers, Tamburini and trumpets). Kids who take part, divided into age groups, they train all year round and participate in their respective races that take place in institutional June. During the summer, they are called to appear in several Italian cities and abroad, in Portugal, France, England, Germany, Switzerland and Hungary, but also in Texas and Australia, have already been applaudirci for our performances. While the home games are held once a year, on the other hand, this activity can be together, have fun and travel.
Also in the home is the kitchen (with its full schedule of themed dinners and culinary competitions among members) and the secretariat in charge of internal and external contacts, and develops cultural projects aimed at neighborhood and city.

The most important cultural activity is the management of FONTANONEARTE, a gallery located in a building's architectural prestige, which are organized about 40 exhibitions a year lasting a week each. Painters, sculptors, potters, graphic designers, associations, alternate presenting to the public. Another meeting is our participation in the organization and realization of the now very important and much-used "FAIR S.ROCCO" the first Sunday in November. The activities inside facing citizenship sees the unfolding of the conference theme, games of mah jong tournaments, etc.. summarized in a program that is then advertised throughout the city.
